Solid cards

clad : Cladding tube

#---- ----1---- ----2---- ----3---- ----4---- ----5---- ----6---- ----7---- ----8---- ----9---- ----0----
# Cladding tube
#---- ----1---- ----2---- ----3---- ----4---- ----5---- ----6---- ----7---- ----8---- ----9---- ----0----
#####     id        matid     ri(m)     ro(m)     nr
clad      C01       SS1       4.1e-3    4.5e-3    3
  • id : user-defined cladding tube id;

  • matid : user-defined cladding tube material id (should appear in the mat card);

  • ri : inner radius of cladding tube (m);

  • ro : outer radius of cladding tube (m);

  • nr : number of radial nodes.

fuel : Fuel column

#---- ----1---- ----2---- ----3---- ----4---- ----5---- ----6---- ----7---- ----8---- ----9---- ----0----
# Fuel column
#---- ----1---- ----2---- ----3---- ----4---- ----5---- ----6---- ----7---- ----8---- ----9---- ----0----
#####     id        matid     ri(m)     ro(m)     nr
fuel      F01       MOX1      1e-3      4e-3      20
  • id : user-defined fuel column id;

  • matid : user-defined fuel column material id (should appear in the mat card);

  • ri : inner radius of fuel column (m);

  • ro : outer radius of fuel column (m);

  • nr : number of radial nodes.

fuelrod : Fuel rod axial levels

#---- ----1---- ----2---- ----3---- ----4---- ----5---- ----6---- ----7---- ----8---- ----9---- ----0----
# Fuel rod axial levels
#---- ----1---- ----2---- ----3---- ----4---- ----5---- ----6---- ----7---- ----8---- ----9---- ----0----
#####     id        fuelid    hgap      cladid    p2d       mltpl     pipeid    pipenode  kr        kz
fuelrod   FR01      F01       0         C01       1.02      10        UP1       2         1.0       1.0
fuelrod   FR01      F01       0         C01       1.02      10        UP1       3         1.0       1.0
fuelrod   FR01      F01       0         C01       1.02      10        UP1       4         1.0       1.0
fuelrod   FR01      F01       0         C01       1.02      10        UP1       5         1.0       1.0
fuelrod   FR02      F01       1000      C01       1.02      10        UP2       2         1.0       1.0
fuelrod   FR02      F01       1000      C01       1.02      10        UP2       3         1.0       1.0
fuelrod   FR02      F01       1000      C01       1.02      10        UP2       4         1.0       1.0
fuelrod   FR02      F01       1000      C01       1.02      10        UP2       5         1.0       1.0
  • id : user-defined id of fuel rod to which the axial layer belongs;

  • fuelid : fuel column id defined in fuel card;

  • hgap : fuel-clad gap conductance (W/m2 K); if zero, the gap conductance is calculated by the code;

  • cladid : clad tube id defined in clad card;

  • p2d : pitch-to-diameter ratio of the fuel rod lattice;

  • mltpl : multiplicity of the heat exchange surface (actual number of fuel rods simulated by one).

  • pipeid : thermal-hydraulic pipe id defined in the pipe card;

  • pipenode : index of the node inside the thermal-hydraulic pipe coupled to the current fuel rod level;

  • kr : radial power peaking factor;

  • kz : axial power peaking factor.

htstr : Heat structure

#---- ----1---- ----2---- ----3---- ----4---- ----5---- ----6---- ----7---- ----8---- ----9---- ----0----
# Heat structure
#---- ----1---- ----2---- ----3---- ----4---- ----5---- ----6---- ----7---- ----8---- ----9---- ----0----
#####     id        matid     ri(m)     ro(m)     nr        bcleft    bcright   mltpl
htstr     HS01      SS1       1e-2      1.1e-2    3         BC01      BC02      10
  • id : user-defined id of heat structure to which the axial layer belongs;

  • matid : user-defined heat structure material id (should appear in the mat card);

  • ri : inner radius of heat structure (m);

  • ro : outer radius of heat structure (m);

  • nr : number of radial nodes;

  • bcleft : user-defined boundary condition id for the inner surface of the heat structure (should appear in the thermbc card);

  • bcright : user-defined boundary condition id for the outer surface of the heat structure (should appear in the thermbc card);

  • mltpl : multiplicity of the heat exchange surface (actual number of heat structures simulated by one).

innergas : Fuel rod inner gas

#---- ----1---- ----2---- ----3---- ----4---- ----5---- ----6---- ----7---- ----8---- ----9---- ----0----
# Fuel rod inner gas
#---- ----1---- ----2---- ----3---- ----4---- ----5---- ----6---- ----7---- ----8---- ----9---- ----0----
#####     fuelrodid matid     plenv(m3)
innergas  FR01      HE1       53e-6
innergas  FR02      HE1       53e-6
  • fuelrodid : id of fuel rod the inner gas belongs to;

  • matid : user-defined inner gas material id (should appear in the mat card);

  • plenv : volume of the gas plenum (m3).

mat : Material

#---- ----1---- ----2---- ----3---- ----4---- ----5---- ----6---- ----7---- ----8---- ----9---- ----0----
# Materials
#---- ----1---- ----2---- ----3---- ----4---- ----5---- ----6---- ----7---- ----8---- ----9---- ----0----
#####     id        type      p0(Pa)    temp0(K)
mat       NA        na        1e5       673
#####     id        type      pu(-)     b(MWD/kg) x(-)      por(-)    temp0(K)
mat       MOX1      mox       0.15      0         0.02      0.05      673
#####     id        type      temp0(K)
mat       SS1       ss316     673
#####     id        type      p0(Pa)    temp0(K)
mat       HE1       he        1e6       673
  • id : user-defined material id;

  • type : material id

The other values depend on the material type. The following materials are available in the coolant properties database:

  • he : helium as an inner gas material of fuel rods;

    • p0 : initial pressure (Pa)

    • temp0 : initial temperature (K)

  • mox : mixed U-Pu oxide as a fuel material of fuel rods;

    • pu : plutonium content (-)

    • b : burnup (MWd/kgHM)

    • x : deviation from stoichiometry (-)

    • por : porosity (-)

    • temp0 : initial temperature (K)

  • na : sodium as a coolant;

    • p0 : initial pressure (Pa)

    • temp0 : initial temperature (K)

  • lbe : lead-bismuth eutectic as a coolant;

    • p0 : initial pressure (Pa)

    • temp0 : initial temperature (K)

  • ss316 : stainless steel 316 as a cladding material of fuel rods;

    • temp0 : initial temperature (K)

  • cu : copper as a core of heaters;

    • temp0 : initial temperature (K)

  • bn : boron nitride as an insulation material;

    • temp0 : initial temperature (K)